

Page history last edited by glemak 13 years, 6 months ago

regarding the mysqlnyc event:


thanks to everyone who attended (photo of audience) - i enjoyed the evening, questions and conversation...


here is the deck from the meetup held on march 24th, 2010 in nyc - http://www.meetup.com/mysqlnyc/calendar/12648640/


here is the video of the presentation & a word version of this process...


This is the wiki page meant to support the interative improvement via community of interest of my technology due diligence process (see blog post) - i've been receiving very positive feedback and suggestions from both the venture and startup side and wanted to make sure that others could directly contribute vs waiting for me to make changes they've submitted myself - thanks in advance for any suggestions and again i have open sourced this which means pls feel free to use it as you see fit :)


I normally start with a brief introduction such as this one:


The goal of this due diligence process is to allow us to fully understand the technology practice of your company, including how you are staffed, your tactical and strategic utilization of technology and the processes that allow them all to work together to produce what you do for your company. We would like to be able to understand this for both your current state and your roadmap. So where relevant to your business, please be prepared to discuss and provide written answers for the following scoping questions:


  1. Technical staffing
    1. Organizational chart (or staffing list)
      1. Please include all FTE names & roles
      2. Include any contracted resources & outsourced roles
      3. Describe relevant groupings of roles such as development, operations and IT
      4. Provide a logical workflow of how groupings interact
    2. Salary information, tenure and basic background for all technology staff including compensation history for previous 3 full years and any changes anticipated for current year
    3. Contracted costs for previous 3 full years and anticipated for current year
    4. Please list any unfunded yet desired staffing or contracted roles with an explanation of reasoning behind desire
  2. Infrastructure & Architecture
    1. Network & infrastructure diagrams (or descriptions)
    2. Systemic, programmatic & product architectural diagrams (both physical & logical)
    3. Data center services
      1. Summary of data center services contracts (or approach)
        1. Bandwidth under contract
        2. Racks under contract
        3. Data center operations services under contract
      2. Budgets for all data center and operations support services for previous 3 full years and anticipated for current year
      3. Provide Methodology regarding Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity
    4. List of development, staging and production hardware in use, including whether it is owned or leased (include full specs)
    5. List of major software systems in use, including whether they are owned or leased or purchased on an ASP basis (include versions)
    6. Describe methodology related to such key technology decisions such as: security, data integrity, scalability and dealing with emerging technology requirements (include others as needed)
    7. Please list major software platforms, toolkits and applications, including:
      1. Whether purchased, partnered with or built in-house
      2. Detailed description of all Product related platforms/applications
      3. Detailed description of all Supporting or Backend platforms/applications
      4. Explain who is responsible for maintenance of the above platforms/applications
      5. Please list details of all patents (device, method or process)
      6. Analytics
        1. Please provide all traffic metrics, such as monthly page views and monthly unique visitors for previous 3 full years and anticipated for current year
        2. Please provide any other relevant analytical reporting that is utilized by the company for previous 3 full years and anticipated for current year
  3. Workflows & Processes
    1. Please describe your product/project workflow (or provide diagrams). For example, how are the following capabilities or functions handled:
      1. Project management & approvals
      2. Business requirements documents
      3. Software development & enhancements
        1. New features & functionality,
        2. Change mgmt & bug fix
        3. Graphics & UI design
        4. Database overview (if not handled section 2)
        5. Testing & Quality Assurance
        6. Build vs buy decision making
        7. Roadmap and Research    
      4. Infrastructure Management
        1. Monitoring & alerting
        2. Upgrades
      5. Integration & Partnerships
      6. List any others specific to your offering
  4. Expense & Capital budgets with depreciation for previous 3 full years and anticipated for current year
    1. Provide an overview of Technology Plan, as implemented to-date
    2. Provide an overview of Technology Roadmap, especially any major initiatives outstanding or desired
    3. Describe how Technology initiative priorities and funding decisions occur (state your governance process)
  5. List of all 3rd party contracts with all relevant terms, including:
    1. Data center contracts
    2. Hardware and software maintenance contracts
    3. ASPs & outsourced services
    4. Software licensing agreements
    5. Outside software development
    6. Any other technology services under contract
  6. Please provide contact information of responder in case follow-up is needed

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